Ongoing outreach efforts supported with effective data collection tools such as Show The Way would improve data quality and support the ongoing management of a “by name list” of people living unsheltered in your community. The data gathered by outreach workers in Show The Way can be cross-referenced with data in the region’s Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS). Simtech Solutions’ Homelessness Response Framework is one example of how different tools can be pulled together into an integrated effort to manage the data needed to help functionally end homelessness locally.
Community-based tools to guide people from homeless to housed.
Community-based tools to guide people from homeless to housed.
Community-based tools to guide people from homeless to housed.
By Name Lists (BNLs)
Integrate ongoing Show The Way Street Outreach data with annual Point in Time Count data
By integrating the Street Outreach data collected through Show The Way in the Command Center with data captured annually in a single Point in Time Count, these efforts can inform each other. The ongoing data collection can help focus efforts for the Point in Time Count; conversely, for communities just getting started with Show The Way, past Point in Time Count data can be instructive for planning Street Outreach efforts.