How Can We Help?
Submit and Manage Requests for Assistance
Show The Way provides a platform for first responders, the general public, and others to submit requests for assistance that are managed within the Regional Command Center.

Tickets are initially submitted through Show The Way within the app or web version. The Dispatch Map can be filtered to show incoming tickets that are unassigned; you can also filter by priority.

Open the Ticket to see the details, use the project coverage to update the assignment, update the status, and make any notes.

The Tickets Control Panel allows you to see overall statuses and assignments by project and team. Use the filters to prepare by name lists for specific needs.

Outreach Workers can manage their assignments within Show The Way. The My Tickets tab provides a list of tickets assigned to the user. Details of those tickets are provided via a map, with links for driving directions, as well as a list to easily see which are newly assigned and need attention right away.

The ticket status can be updated right within the app. Team members can view the details of the request so they can prepare an appropriate response; they can also access the Client record to see the history, add case notes, and start interactions when they are working with the client.