Add New Users and Manage User Accounts
To create and manage accounts for Show The Way end users, you’ll need an Administrator login to the Regional Command Center.
The Users tab on the bottom left-hand navigation represents the list of all accounts that are connected to your specific datastore. For example, all users that can enter and access data for the Demonstration Datastore through the app will be included in this list.
The list of users can be searched by first name, last name, and email address. The filter option allows the list to be grouped by the different user roles.
To give a user access to Show The Way, you need to follow these steps:
First, you need to add the user to your Datastore. To do so, click the green Add New User button. A new window will appear. Enter the user’s email address and click OK.
Complete the fields with the user’s information. This can be edited later, as needed. Then, click the Create New User button.
The Permissions tab allows user roles to be changed and accounts to be deleted. Clicking on the red X will delete the selected account. In order to change a user role, click on the name of the current role, User, to bring up the drop-down menu and make the new selection.
Show The Way users should have the role of Outreach; this role will give the user access to log in to the app, where they will be able to enter and retrieve data. Administrator accounts can also be created; users with Administrator roles have access to all data and settings within the Command Center.
Click the X in the top right corner of the window to exit the Create New User setup screen. You will see the user in the list. Double click any user to edit their information or permissions.
Now that the user has been added to the datastore, they will be automatically added to the Outreach Campaign Activity. Navigate to the Activities screen using the left side menu, and then select your Outreach activity. You should then be on the Dispatch tab. Click on the Users tab to view the users assigned to this activity:
You should see the new user in the list, as well as any previously added users. There’s also a button that allows you to Download the activity user list, should you need to do that.
At this point, the user will be able to log in to Show The Way and enter and access data.
Project and Team Assignment
In order to have that data tied to a project assignment, they will need to be added to a project. Users can be added to specific Teams within a project, as well. See this FAQ to learn how to assign users to Projects and Teams!