How to Log Interactions and Edit Data in the Case Management Module
To log an interaction and add a pinpoint to the History tab of the Client Record, an Outreach Team member must:
(A) Start an Interaction
(B) select a Client from the Lookup Client list or My Clients list, and then Take Action.
See the tabs below for details and steps.
Please Note: If you only View a client—even if editing the Client Profile—an interaction is not logged, and no data will appear on the history tab (list results or pinpoints on the map).
If you want to view data that was previously entered but are not currently interacting with the client, you can just go to the History tab of the Client Record, open up the previous interaction, and select the Assessment you’d like to view.
If you’re interacting with the client currently and want to update the data, you can overwrite previously submitted information within an interaction. This process will ensure that the information is updated, and a new interaction is logged.
If you have additional questions about when or how to update data vs. starting a new interaction, please reach out to our Help Desk.