How do I add a project to my Outreach Activity?
Street Outreach Project Descriptor Data Elements (PDDEs) should be provided to Simtech Support for importing into the Regional Command Center (please submit a Help Desk ticket if you have questions about that process). After projects are imported into your Datastore, to ensure the project displays in the Show The Way Resource Directory, you’ll want to add the projects to the Show The Way Activity. An Activity is a sub-level within a Datastore. There can be multiple Activities within a single Datastore.
In the Command Center, on the left side menu, navigate to the Activities module. Select your Show The Way activity from the list.
Next, open the Projects tab.
From there, you can either Sync All Datastore Projects, which will bring over all projects that are active in your datastore; or, if you’d rather only certain projects be assigned, you can click the green Assign Datastore Projects button.
In this example, we’ll choose the second option. In the window that appears, you can select all of the projects, or select any assortment of projects. Once you’ve selected the projects you wish to assign, simply click the Add Selected Projects button.
The projects will now appear in the Projects tab. These projects will also be displayed in the Resource Directory in Show The Way.
Please note: For the project to be displayed in the Resource Directory, it must have an address. If there was not an address for the project in HMIS, it should be added there. Then, we can refresh the import with the new information. Please submit a support request on our virtual Help Desk for assistance.